Tuesday, December 6, 2016

PLN (Personal Learning Network )

Here are four ways on how I plan on using a PLN as a future educator.

1. The first step will be to set up a Twitter account to follow Like-Minded people as well as other educators to learn from. I plan to start and  participate in a Twitter chat.

2.  The second step will be to  start using  my YouTube account.

3. The third step will be to continue to use my blogger account to stay connected to colleagues, parents, students,  and other social media. As a future educator I will use my blogger account to post resources, lessons, links to videos, and homework assignments. I can inform parents about our classroom schedule and keep them up-to-date on weekly, monthly, and special holidays events updates. Also, I can follow other colleague's blogs.

4. I plan to use PLN by sharing information and staying connected to other educators through: Twitter, blogs, YouTube, follow The Educator's PLN (The personal learning network for educators).

These are the four ways I plan on using PLN as a future educator.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What is the Internet doing to our brains?

      I strongly agree that the Internet is changing the way our brains work, and how we remembered the information. In the past before the Internet was created; individuals needed to read entire books or articles to find the information they needed. They spend hours reading to be able to find the answers they were looking for. The more time people spend reading, the longer they remember the stuff they read.

I think that the distractions of the Internet interfere with the way we process information of how memory consolidation is converting short-term memory to long-term memory.   In the first place, we are thinking more like computers, taking the information from the Internet, but not retain it. Not only but, now with a quick search on Google; the Internet gives us the answer.  We quickly read it not allowing enough time for our brain to process the information.  As a matter of fact, it is store in the short-term memory where it is lost, and we will not remember it for long. As the same time, If we Google a question many options will appear on the browser that we only take a quick glance at it.  Therefore, we don't take the time focus on one thing long enough to allow our brain to remember it. If we take thirty minutes to read a website it is most likely to store this information in our long-term memory. After all, we all use the Internet the same way.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Copyright and Fair Use

My understanding about copyright and fair use is that anything a person creates or writes it is their right to decide; who is allow to use it and when they will use it. The more a person allows other to share their work and the copyright with others; they will have the right to earn some type of gains. It is just a fair use for individuals to let others use their work even though they have the copyright.

The copyright makes people own the intellectual property of what they created. Some individuals earn some type of profit, and some others just share their copyright. Teachers need to be aware of the copyrights and fair use during classroom activities. Teachers need to make only one copy per student, but not more than that.

Mrs. Salan Podcast ideas for the classroom

Using a popcast in the classroom by Maria Salan

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What is Plagiarism?

In my understanding plagiarism is copying someone else work and don't give them credit for it. It means you take the words someone else wrote and make it your own. Plagiarism usually happens when students write an English paper, and they take the information provided on a website, or on a book and don't change the words. Any person who copies exactly as it is written in the book, a paper, or website and don't site the proper source can be in trouble for plagiarism of  copying someone else’s work. 

Plagiarism can happen in various ways not only by writing the English papers. 
Plagiarism can be in any type of writing assignment or even using someone's else computer codes or mathematical expressions. When a person decides to use someone's else words; they need to use quotation marks and references. Any time a person decides to use quotation marks only 20 or 25 words are used in the quotation marks. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Punctuation and Text

I disagree with the idea of using punctuation in the text I send because it is an informal writing. Texting should be use as a quick tool of communication any time of the day and where ever you are. Using punctuation will only delay the conversation, and frustrate  the users. In addition after reading the article, I strongly agree that texting can be use without proper grammar,  and children still will be able to acquire new writing skills. Texting should be use an easy way to communicate without punctuation concerns. Texting can be an excellent tool to use in the classroom and in school.

Is texting killing the language?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Does texting make us a bad writers?

 Texting Makes Us Really Bad Writers. 

       I strongly agree that texting makes us bad writers. I will discuss some of the reasons why texting makes us bad writers. The first mistake we make while texting is not using the proper punctuation. We tend to be carry away with the informal conversation that we write run on sentences. We record the conversation and send it without proof read it. Some of us use short cuts for texting for example instead using the word "for" and put the number 4. This becomes a bad habit.

      It is easier to text than to send an email. We have the cell phones with us at all times that makes easier to text friends and family. Even though, we can opt to write a text with the proper grammar that does not mean that the person we are texting will not have bad habits of using shortcuts for texting back. Having a text conversation over the phone every day makes us adopt the bad writing habits.

     We are so used to write the short cuts while texting that when we send a formal email does not use the proper grammar. So please next time you send a text make sure that you use the proper grammar and punctuation. 

      In the Ted talk video he stated that texting is not writing at all and no body talks the way they text. To break it down he mentioned that language is speech, which is the way we speak. If we were to speak the way we write, then we would not be using proper language either. When we speak, we don't stop to think about grammatical errors: commas, periods, or capital letters that we end up texting run on sentences. Moreover, texting is considered finger speech, and it is easier to write abbreviations for every single word we use. As a result, overtime vocabulary and new language evolves transforming to new words with the purpose of the text. As a result text becomes easier and shorter, we type less. The words people use while finger texting lose its meaning and evolve over time. 

    Finally the Ted talk video changed the perspective that texting make us bad writers. Now I strongly believe that it is a choice of wording people want to use when every time they text. Next time I text I will remember that texting is not bad at all. I will always encourage my students to choose proper vocabulary and text in complete sentences.